

Influence of a Second-order Kerr Lens in the SHG Crystal on the THG Efficiency and Beam Quality

P. Koch, J. Bartschke, and J. A. L’huillier, in Nonlinear Optics 2015, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2015), paper NF2A.5, DOI: 10.1364/NLO.2015.NF2A.5

Fiber laser pumping devices based on directional coupling via fused silica ridge waveguide arrays

B. Weigand; C. Dautermann; C. Theobald; S. Wolff; J. A. L’huillier, Proc. SPIE 9344, Fiber Lasers XII: Technology, Systems, and Applications, 93440H (4 March 2015); doi: 10.1117/12.2079947

Fiber Bragg grating based sensors in conventional double clad large mode area fibers

A. Nieborowsky; B. Weigand; J. Bartschke; R. Beigang; J. A. L’huillier, Proc. SPIE 9359, Optical Components and Materials XII, 93590T (16 March 2015); doi: 10.1117/12.2080173

Fundamental investigations of ps-laser burst-mode on common metals for an enhanced ablation process

N. HĂ€nel, M. Stolze, T. Herrmann, J.A. L’huillier, Proc. SPIE 9351, Laser-based Micro- and Nanoprocessing IX, 93510E (March 12, 2015);   doi: 10.1117/12.2079652

50W CW output power and 12mJ pulses from a quasi-2-level Yb:YAG ceramic rod laser end-pumped at the 969nm zero-phonon line

Christian Fries; Marco Weitz; Christian Theobald; Patric v. Löwis of Menar; JĂŒrgen Bartschke; Johannes A. L’huillier
Proc. SPIE 9342, Solid State Lasers XXIV: Technology and Devices, 93421O (February 20, 2015); doi:10.1117/12.2079401


All solid-state 191.7 nm deep-UV light source by seventh harmonic generation of an 888 nm pumped, Q-switched 1342 nm Nd:YVO4 laser with excellent beam quality

Peter Koch, Juergen Bartschke and Johannes A. L’huillier, Optics Express 22 (11), p.13648-13658 (2014), DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.013648

Ridge Waveguide Directional Couplers for High Power Fiber Laser Pumping Devices

B. Weigand, C. Dautermann, C. Theobald, S. Wolff, J. A. L’huillier, MNE 2014, Lausanne, September 22-26, Poster P1-14-Tu (2014).

Laser drilling of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP) by picosecond laser pulses: comparative study of different drilling tools

T. Herrmann, M. Stolze, J.A. L’huillier, Proc. SPIE 8972, Frontiers in Ultrafast Optics: Biomedical, Scientific, and Industrial Applications XIV, 89721K (March 7, 2014); doi: 10.1117/12.2039077


Improved Quality of Drilled Holes in Laminated Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics via Laser-Preprocessing

Schneider, F.; Kirsch, B.; Gurka, M.; Hermann, T.; L’huiller, J.A.; Aurich, J.C., In: Denkena, B. (Hrsg.) New Production Technologies in Aerospace Industry – Proceedings of the 4th Machining Innovations Conference, September, 2013, Hannover, Deutschland: S. 27-31.

Mode-locking of a high power, 888 nm pumped Nd:YVO4 laser using nonlinear polarization rotation via Type I second harmonic generation

C. SchĂ€fer, C. Fries, C. Theobald and J.A. L’huillier, Opt. Lett. (2013), Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 160.


High power laser pulses with voltage controlled durations of 400-1000ps

F. Harth, T. Ulm,  M. LĂŒhrmann, R. Knappe,  A. Klehr, Th. Hoffmann, G. Erbert, J.A. L’huillier, Optics Express, invited paper, Vol. 20, Iss. 7, pp. 7002 (2012)

Passively mode-locked 1 GHz MOPA system generating sub-500-fs pulses after external compression

T. Ulm, F. Harth, A. Klehr, G. Erbert, J.A. L’huillier, Proceeding Article, Proc. SPIE 8432 (2012)

888 nm pumped 1342 nm Nd:YVO4 oscillator Kerr-lens mode-locked using cascaded second-order nonlinearities

F. Lenhardt, C. SchĂ€fer, C. Theobald, M. Nittmann, J. Bartschke, R. Knappe, J.A. L’huillier, Appl. Phys B, Vol. 106, pp. 5 (2012)

Fabrication of Ridge Waveguides in LiNbO3

B. Weigand, A. Lenhard, M. Stolze, F. RĂŒbel, S. Wolff, C. Becher und J. L’huillier, ISAF ECAPD PFM 2012, Aveiro/ Portugal, July 9-13, Paper 182 (2012)

Laser Microstructuring of Congruent Lithium Niobate by UV ps-pulses

M. Stolze, T. Herrmann, B. Weigand und J. L’huillier , ISAF ECAPD PFM 2012, Aveiro/ Portugal, July 9-13, Paper 109 (2012)

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