

High average power Nd:YVO4 regenerative amplifier seeded by a gain switched diode laser

M. Lührmann, F. Harth, C. Theobald, T. Ulm, R. Knappe, A. Nebel, A. Klehr, G. Erbert, J.A. L’huillier, Proc. SPIE 7912, Solid State Lasers XX: Technology and Devices, 791210 (February 15, 2011); doi: 10.1117/12.874203


Femtosecond diode laser MOPA system at 920 nm based on asymmetric colliding pulse mode-locking

Thorsten Ulm, Andreas Klehr, Götz Erbert, Florian Harth und Johannes A. L’huillier, Applied Physics B 99(3), 409-414 (2010).

Optimization of Cascaded Intracavity Sum Frequency Generation towards the visible in Periodically Poled MgO:LiNbO3

Felix Ruebel and Johannes A. L’huillier, Nonlinear Photonics (NP), Karlsruhe, NWC8 (2010).

Influence of the Spectral Properties of the Pump Laser on the Behaviour of an Optical Parametric Oscillator with a Volume Bragg Grating around Degeneracy

Peter Koch, Felix Ruebel, Martin Nittmann, Juergen Bartschke and Johannes A. L’huillier, Nonlinear Photonics (NP), Karlsruhe, NThC2 (2010).

High Efficient kHz Repetition Rate Optical Parametric Generator in LBO with Octave Spanning Tunability

Tobias Traub, Felix Ruebel and Johannes A. L’huillier, Nonlinear Photonics (NP), Karlsruhe, NThC3 (2010).

Narrow-band degenerate optical parametric oscillator in periodically poled MgO:LiNbO3 with a volume Bragg grating output coulpler

Peter Koch, Felix Ruebel, Martin Nittmann, Thorsten Bauer, Juergen Bartschke and Johannes A. L’huillier,Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San José, CA, USA, Paper CThY6 (2010).

Mid-infrared picosecond laser source with high average output power exceeding 1 W at 4.5 µm

Felix Ruebel, Gregor Anstett and Johannes A. L’huillier, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San José, CA, USA, Paper CThH4 (2010).

Tailoring of Chirp in Colliding Pulse Mode-locked Diode Laser generating 267 fs Pulses after Compression

Thorsten Ulm, Florian Harth and Johannes A. L’huillier, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2010, San Jose (USA)

Generation of powerful tunable mid-infrared picosecond laser radiation using frequency conversion in periodically poled Lithium niobate

Gregor Anstett, Felix Ruebel and Johannes A. L’huillier, Advanced Solid State Photonics (ASSP), San Diego, CA, USA,  January 31-February 3, (2010).


High-power 888-nm-pumped Nd:YVO4 1342-nm oscillator operating in the TEM00 mode

F. Lenhardt, M. Nittmann, T. Bauer, J. Bartschke, und J. A. L’huillier, Appl. Phys. B *96*, 803-807 (2009).

Efficient generation of mode-locked pulses in Nd:YVO4 with a pulse duration adjustable between 34 ps and 1 ns

Markus Lührmann, Christian Theobald, Richard Wallenstein, Johannes A. L’huillier, Opt. Express 17, 6177-6186 (2009).

High Efficient kHz Repetition Rate Injection Seeded Picosecond Optical Parametric Generator in LBO

Tobias Traub, Felix Rübel, Johannes A. L’huillier, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Baltimore, USA, CWC4 (2009).

High energy cw-diode pumped Nd:YVO4 regenerative amplifier with efficient second harmonic generation

Markus Lührmann, Christian Theobald, Richard Wallenstein, Johannes A. L’huillier, Opt. Express 17, 22761-22766 (2009).

MIR-generation with short and ultra short laser pulses using frequency conversion in periodically poled Lithiumniobate

G. Anstett and F. Ruebel, SPIE Security and Defense, Berlin, 31.08. – 03.09. (2009).

888 nm Pumped Nd:YVO4 Regenerative Amplifier with Long Pico-Second Pulses, 20 kHz Repetition Rate and Efficient Second Harmonic Generation

M. Lührmann, C. Theobald, R. Wallenstein, J. L’huillier, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/International Quantum Electronics Conference, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper CtuP5.

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